"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Death Is Hanging In The Air

Death Is Hanging In The Air And Killing At An Alarming Rate - New Thunderstorm Asthma Warning Issued For Parts Of Australia This Weekend - What Is Really Going On There?

Stefan Stanford 

Back on November 29th of 2013, France's The Observers' reported acid rain in Ahvaz, Iran had poisoned thousands of Iranians though the exact number was never found out because Iranian authorities imposed strict censorship upon hospitals there. One of the most polluted cities in the world, residents said "it's like the city is cursed" after also suffering through 25 years of the horrors of war

Patients suffering from breathing problems had filled up emergency rooms for several weeks as more and more 'acid rain' fell on the city in western Iran. According to the local media there, more than 20,000 people were hospitalized over the month of November 2013 alone though the number could have been much higher.

While some said the town looked like some kind of nuclear wasteland, ANP finds it quite interesting that Ahvaz, Iran on November 2 of 2013 is listed by Wikipedia as being one of the very few locations across the world to have ever been struck by 'thunderstorm asthma', the 'death hanging in the air' that recently hospitalized nearly 10,000+ in Australia while killing at least 8.

With respiratory illnesses growing in Kyrgyzstan and across the world, ANP has been asked by several readers to take a new look at this mystery that has caught the world by surprise that JD Heyes over at Natural News recently called "Biological warfare-like ‘thunderstorm asthma’" along with several videos that ask what is really going on there? Interestingly, an outbreak of scurvy also recently hit Australia and may be moving on to New Zealand next. Much more on that in our next story.

According to Wikipedia, there have been 10 'significant events' of thunderstorm asthma, however, they only date back to July 6th of 1983 in Birmingham, England. Australia has been struck 5 times while Naples, Italy and London, England were also hit. The most recent episode of thunderstorm asthma wasn't even Australia, however, as on December 1st, the country of Kuwait was also hit leading to the deaths of 5, rounding out the 10 significant thunderstorm asthma events. Interestingly, Susan Duclos pointed out that 2016 is the only year that 'thunderstorm asthma' has hit twice.

Also according to Wikipedia, most of those affected by 'thunderstorm asthma' have NEVER had an asthma attack before. However, 95% of those that were affected by thunderstorm asthma had a history of hayfever, and 96% of those people had tested positive to grass pollen allergies, particularly rye grass.According to this new story from Yahoo Australia, 'thunderstorm asthma shows a worrying trend'. Struck by thunderstorm asthma back in 1987, 1989, 1997, and 2010 before the mass outbreak in November, authorities report there is a new thunderstorm asthma warning in effect for this weekend in certain parts of the country.

And while the recent thunderstorm asthma attack that struck Melbourne has been called the worst thunderstorm asthma attack to ever strike the world and Health Minister Jill Hennessy said it was like "having 150 bombs going off at once right across Melbourne", the people we've communicated with from Australia as well as each of the videographers below aren't buying the official explanation.


Going back to the 2013 story from France's Observers, according to Iran's Pulse news, Khuzestan’s environmental protection officer blamed 'acid rain' on high concentrations of nitrates in the air. Keep in mind the Wikipedia report that Ahvaz also suffered from one of the most significant cases of 'thunderstorm asthma' during this exact same time period. 

The weather has always been awful in Ahvaz, for as long as I can remember. But it gets worse every year. This year, we had dust storms and, more recently, acid rain that has caused people to become sick. Last time it fell, I had to go to hospital because I had trouble breathing. The people that took care of me didn’t really know what to do. The nurses just gave me medication and put me on respiratory support. It cost me 100,000 tomans (about 30 euros). There were many people, mainly children and older people, and the medical personnel looked overwhelmed. After an hour or two, I was able to go home.

Last Wednesday, a new round of acid rain caused many people to get sick. According to what I heard, thousands went to the hospital. Those people who protested against the dam on the Karun River now intend to protest against the pollution and the unbearable living conditions that cause Ahvaz to resemble a ghost town. Indeed, it looks like some kind of nuclear wasteland.b2-weather.jpg

In the videos below, our videographers ask what is 'thunderstorm asthma' and and ask what really is going on in Australia as the death toll rose again and as our videographer asks in the final video below, is thunderstorm asthma really some kind of biowarfare or attack? Were places like Ahvaz, Iran used as testing grounds for some kind of deadly chemical/biological weapons? And might all of this be some sick part of the globalists depopulation agenda?

And were chemtrails involved in the illnesses as has been suggested by some living in Australia who had reported being heavily chemtrailed in the days prior? As Steve Quayle warned us long ago in his book, 'Weather Warfare and Other Un-Natural Disasters,' weather warfare IS real...are we now witnessing some kind of it dating back to 1983? 

For those concerned, an interesting website called 'Flu Trackers' uses data from journalists, citizens and other news sources from all around the world compiled in a forum form.