Friday, April 20, 2018

Listen to “young people”: Female ordination coming

Listen to “young people”: Female ordination coming

In May of last year, I posted a review of the Preparatory Document for the Synod of Bishops on “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment,” which is set to take place in October 2018.
At that time, based on the bitter experiences of 2014-2015, we considered the likelihood that the “God of Surprises” and his merry band of modernists already have an outcome in mind and, come Hell or high water, they aim to achieve it.

As for precisely what we can expect, it bore mention that even though the Preparatory Document didn’t give us much in the way of substance to go on, the fear expressed by many is that the entire process is really just intended to pave the way for changes to the priesthood.
Recently, these fears were validated as the Unholy See published a Document of the Pre-Synodal Meeting with so-called “youth,” which was held in Rome on 19-24 March.
Before we take a closer look at relevant excerpts, let’s consider the way in which the Document is being presented.
Ostensibly, the text conveys the “reflections” offered by “more than 300 young representatives from around the world convened in Rome” along with “the participation of 15,000 young people engaged online through the Facebook groups.”
It is written largely in their voice; e.g., “we believe…” “we need…” “we desire…,” etc.
After having read the entire wretched thing, I can tell you that “we” is nothing more than a pseudonym for Jorge Bergoglio & Co.; with many of the so-called “reflections” being near verbatim affirmations of the poisonous ideas they have been spouting for lo these past five miserable years.
For example, the “youth” say:
There is still no binding consensus on the question of welcoming migrants and refugees … despite the acknowledgement of the universal call to care for the dignity of every human person.
Who are these people kidding? This statement came directly from the mouth of the Modernist, Socialist, Globalist (fill in the blank with your own favorite “ist,” provided it doesn’t hint of Catholicsm)-in-Chief:
At stake is the dignity of human life … We often hear it said that, with respect to relativism and the flaws of our present world, the situation of migrants, for example, is a lesser issue. (cf Gaudete et Exsultate – 101, 102)
The insightful “youth” also said:
Sometimes, in the Church, it is hard to overcome the logic of “it has always been done this way”.
Please… Bergoglio practically has a trademark on this slogan, repeated most recently:
Complacency is seductive; it tells us that there is no point in trying to change things, that there is nothing we can do, because this is the way things have always been… (Gaudete et Exsultate – 137)
Just one more example should suffice. According to the “youth”:
We want a world of peace, one that harmonizes integral ecology with a sustainable global economy.
Now, where did “they” get that idea?
The global economic crises have made painfully obvious the detrimental effects of disregarding our common destiny … We can no longer speak of sustainable development apart from intergenerational solidarity … we can no longer view reality in a purely utilitarian way, in which efficiency and productivity are entirely geared to our individual benefit … An integral ecology is marked by this broader vision. (Laudato Si’ – 159) [Emphasis added]
Once again, we are confronted with evidence that the Vatican does not just have a PR machine; it is a PR machine – one that shamelessly engages in the age-old, godless liberal tactic of exploiting “the youth” in order to win support for their diabolical initiatives.
Now that we’re clear about precisely who is speaking in this Document, let’s begin with a look at those portions of the text suggesting that an assault on Holy Orders is forthcoming:
There is often great disagreement among young people, both within the Church and in the wider world, about some of her teachings which are especially controversial today. Examples of these include: contraception, abortion, homosexuality, cohabitation, marriage, and how the priesthood is perceived in different realities in the Church there is still disagreement and ongoing discussion among young people on these polemical issues. [Emphasis added]
Let’s stop here for a moment.
While there are many self-identified Catholics who disagree with the immutable doctrines of the Church (not “polemical issues”) concerning the matters listed, there is no such disagreement among those “within the Church;” in particular with respect to the priesthood.
Before we avail ourselves of more wisdom from the… ahem… “young people” (wink, wink), it bears mention that just one week following this Pre-Synodal meeting in Rome, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn – the “great theologian” according to Francis – stated:
The question of ordination [of women] is a question which clearly can only be clarified by a council. That cannot be decided upon by a pope alone. That is a question too big that it could be decided from the desk of a pope. – Cardinal Christoph Schönborn
In other words, the matter of female ordination is far from settled. So, what did the “young people” have to say about women in the life of the Church?
Quite a lot, actually. In fact, women are singled out no less than sixteen times in the text, including the following:
Today, there is a general problem in society in that women are still not given an equal place. This is also true in the Church…
One key question arises from these reflections; what are the places where women can flourish within the Church and society? The Church can approach these problems with real discussion and open-mindedness to different ideas and experiences…
Another common perception that many young people have is an unclear role of women in the Church…
We recognize in particular the unique challenges faced by young women as they discern their vocation and place in the Church…
Some young women feel that there is a lack of leading female role models within the Church and they too wish to give their intellectual and professional gifts to the Church…
Note that the “great theologian” Schönborn was speaking specifically of the priesthood as opposed to the Sacrament of Holy Orders more generally.
This, of course, leaves the door wide open for the “God of Surprises” to tinker with diaconal ordination however he may see fit.
Get ready for it, folks.
Apart from either Jorge Bergoglio’s departure or his conversion to the Catholic faith, I’d wager that the post-synodal exhortation setting that process in motion is probably all but written as we speak. We’ve seen this act before.
We might even see a push for female “cardinals.”
Incidentally, Cardinal Schönborn is both incorrect and correct.
First, he is dead wrong to insist that a pope cannot rule definitively on the matter of female ordination. Even so, the question is settled; not because of John Paul II’s Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, but due to the infallibility of the Universal Ordinary Magisterium.
Schönborn is correct, however, in suggesting that a future council could decide otherwise, provided that he is referring to a council modeled after the council to end all councils – Vatican II; the only one that Bergoglio & Co. are willing to embrace – the same that unceremoniously overturned other doctrines long since settled (e.g., religious liberty, the Church’s relationship with the Jews, the unique identity of the Catholic Church as the solitary means of salvation, etc.).
Much more could be said about this Document of the Pre-Synodal Meeting, but in the interest of space, I will stop here with a promise to return to this topic in a future post very soon.
At present, the one thing that we can bank on is that this entire Synodal affair is nothing more than an exercise in propaganda intended to prepare the faithful for changes decided upon long ago; changes that will further destroy what is left of the visible structures of the Holy Catholic Church.